Monday, January 19, 2009

Home for the Holidays!

I was home over the holidays for 10 days. It was great to get back out to the West coast and spend time with friends and family. My parents just moved back into their house after being out for 5 months while the house went through a complete remodel (the slide show I put together of the before and afters is in the sidebar on the left).
We shopped, drank, ate, laughted and just overall had a great time.

Dad getting ready to cook in his new kitchen

Mr. Happy was very happy to be back home

Daisy giving Grandma kisses

Magen and Peter came out for New Years Eve and stayed the night. We had such a good time. There was no shortage of laughter, drinks, food and of course......Magen's great Irish dancing!!!!
More wine please!

New Years kisses to Michael

Magen, can you teach me some of those moves?!?!

1 comment:

Buzyna Family said...

I wont ever be able to excape these pictures.
Love you!